

When you walk, where do you look?

I noticed around 13-14 that I usually looked down at the ground relatively close to my feet. Walking to and from school was a relatively easy path so watching my feet was not really necessary.

This might have had 2 effects on me:
1. Near sighted, though I’ve always been near sights since I went to the eye doctor when I was 5, so that’s probably untrue.
2. Planning, I rarely plan thing that far in advance. I don’t think about what I’ll be doing in 5 years, 10 years, etc. I focus on the present and maybe next week, but not much farther than that.

I haven’t read any study that confirms the relationship, but now I try to look out in front of me, at the people walking by, the sky, my surroundings, etc.

Where do you look?

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