
Results for category "Mentality"

2 Articles


When you walk, where do you look?

I noticed around 13-14 that I usually looked down at the ground relatively close to my feet. Walking to and from school was a relatively easy path so watching my feet was not really necessary.

This might have had 2 effects on me:
1. Near sighted, though I’ve always been near sights since I went to the eye doctor when I was 5, so that’s probably untrue.
2. Planning, I rarely plan thing that far in advance. I don’t think about what I’ll be doing in 5 years, 10 years, etc. I focus on the present and maybe next week, but not much farther than that.

I haven’t read any study that confirms the relationship, but now I try to look out in front of me, at the people walking by, the sky, my surroundings, etc.

Where do you look?

Winning/Losing Mentality

From my “Take me out to the ball game” post, the comment left by Tereza made me think. Is it common for (certain types of) people (or people in certain locations) to think their team will lose? Being a Detroit fan, I have come to learn that the Tigers will suck and lose most of the time, when they win it is a surprise. This wasn’t always the case, they did win the 1984 World Series. I’m not a big hockey fan, but the Red Wings won a few Stanley cups recently. My favorite sport: Basketball, the Pistons won 2 Championships in a row not too long ago. The Lions (football) haven’t won jack shit in my lifetime!

Is it because of my (pessimistic) personality that I assume the team I want to win will lose? – Do optimistic people always think their team will win, regardless of previous record?
Is it becasue I live in Detroit and most of the time our teams don’t win all that much? – Do people in places like L.A. believe their team will win (because they won 6 basketball championships recently, though were knocked out of the running this year, rather surprisingly) because their team does win more often than losing?

The part of Tereza’s comment that made me wonder is in Brazil, seems they win a lot of soccer games (sorry, futeball!). I don’t keep close track of Brazil’s record, but I assume they win more than they lose. If that’s true, does it mean that Tereza is a pessimist?