
Results for category "Stats"

2 Articles

Picture Stats

While in South Africa, arriving Oct 18 and leaving Oct 25, the wife and I took 4091 pictures, used 9.9GB of hd space (on the laptop, we have two 1GB CF cards), almost filled both cards one day as we were on a tour the whole day and couldn’t download the pictures until we returned, almost fully used both batteries in 1 day (again, because we were on a whole day tour).


Statistically speaking, is it extrodinary that EVERY time Luciana and I go out to eat there is someone having a birthday? And of course at places like Olive Garden, the employees sing loudly, clap their hands and are generally annoying.

It just seems so amazing that for the 1-2 hours we are there (and we eat at unusual times for Michigan/USA, more like Brazilian time: late), for the 8-10 times a month, that someone is having a birthday.
