

Statistically speaking, is it extrodinary that EVERY time Luciana and I go out to eat there is someone having a birthday? And of course at places like Olive Garden, the employees sing loudly, clap their hands and are generally annoying.

It just seems so amazing that for the 1-2 hours we are there (and we eat at unusual times for Michigan/USA, more like Brazilian time: late), for the 8-10 times a month, that someone is having a birthday.


Comments ( 7 )

  1. / Rebeca
    This week they sang loudly to me!!! I HATE that!!! Great layout!!
  2. / Valeria Lima
    Hi Gabe! Welcome to the "blog's world"... See you.
  3. / Patricia
    Gabe, I've just checked Luciana's blog and I came here to have a look at your blog. Really nice and BLUE, my favorite colour. Have a nice weekend. ;)
  4. / Tereza (Bruxelas)
    Hi, Gabe, I love Luciana'as blog and that's why I'm here reading yours. I won't leave a comment frequently because my English is not so good but I think that's interesting to read a blog with points of view comming from a man. I'll come again to read :) See you .
  5. / Maitê
    Hello. Very nice your blog. I like to rad very much the blog of your wife, that is brazilian like me. Sorry for my English. Best wishes
  6. / cris
    I know Luciana's blog now I welcome you!!
  7. / Gabe Misura
    Rebeca - Of course Luciana made the layout, i just said "blue" and "Dragon" and the rest was her creativity. Valeria Lima - Thank you. As you can see I don't post a lot, mostly because Luciana's parents are here and we're busy taking them places (ok, and I'm playing Tribes2 again). Patricia - Yes, blue is wonderful. Luciana said she had to make it more grey and less blue because it was too strong. Still looks good though. Tereza (Bruxelas) - Your English is excellent. I will try to post more frequently so you have something to read here. heh. Maitê - Thanks cris - Thanks

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