

243 posts

New Phone 2009

Update 6/10/2009:

Comparison between the 2 forerunners:

Feature iPhone 3GS HTC Touch Pro2 Conclusions
Phone Probably not a big difference here.
Battery Not removeable, capacity unknown. user changeable, 1500mAh HTC wins
Storage 16/32GB, no slot for adding more Tiny?, microSD for expansion
Updates 3.0 on June 17, 2009. Major about once a year. Minor as needed. 6.1 is current. 6.5 due ? 7.0 in testing.
Sync/Management iTunes WMDC (Windows Mobile Device Center, formerly Active Sync) iTunes on windows SUCKS.
Screen 3.5″ 480×320 3.6″ WVGA 800×480
Keyboard On screen Slide out QWERT, 5 row. Supposedly the iPhone is good after the learning curve. 3.0 will allow in landscape mode. Still think the HTC will be better.
Browser Safari IE Mobile, Opera Mobile, StarFox
GPS Yes Yes
Camera 3MP, autofocus, no flash. Tap to focus. Video: VGA 30fps. 3MP, autofocus, no flash. 2nd camera. Video ?
Apps 40k+ but only Apple
Touch Screen Multitouch Single Touch Multi-touch is VERY cool. Zooming is only the beginning for how cool this will be.
Size iPhone is thinner because it doesn’t have a keyboard, but neither is that big so a tie.
Geotagging photo and video geotagging AND direction (compass) iPhone is full of win here.
Wifi 802.11b/g 802.11b/g

Update 6/9/2009:
iPhone 3GS announced. Available 6/19 for $199 (16GB) or $299 (32GB) with a 2 year contract.
I think it comes down to the iPhone 3GS and the HTC Touch Pro2.
Physical keyboard vs onscreen (though, voice commands and speech to text might negate the need for a keyboard), resolution (Pro2 is 800×480 while the iPhone is still

Hrm, I’m thinking the BB devices use screens that are physically too small.

Some new stuff that looks pretty good:
LG Monaco (winMo), HTC Touch Pro2 (winMo), LG Opera TV (winMo) (no keyboard?), Wooo (720p video), Onyx (BB), HTC Dream (Google). Palm Pre (webOS) if it comes to GSM

The iMate KJam seems to have died (blinks red when I try to charge it). Time to find a new phone.

Narrowing it down to:
Fuze (AT&T No Commitment Pricing (New) 499.99, 2-yr Contract Price 349.99-50MIR, Refurb $249.99 5/27/2009)
iPhone (AT&T “3G” New 16GB 2yr contract 299.00, $149.00 refurb 5/27/2009)
BB Curve 8900 (AT&T No Commitment Pricing $449.99, 2-yr Contract Price 299.99, $100 MIR 5/27/2009)
Sony Ericsson Xperia X1 ($525.00 5/27/2009)

Requierments are:
GSM (taking with us to Brasil frequently)
PDA/Smartphone (touch screen preferred)
3+ MP Camera (2MP might be ok, 1MP is the suck)
Web, email
Qwerty keyboard (physical prefered, but not required, I hear the iphone keyboard is good, but takes time to getting used to)
HotSpot – Tmobile’s feature seems really cool.

Seems that Tmobile’s service is much more expensive than AT&T’s, considering the discount I get at AT&T via AMD.

Windows 7 Beta

Since my HD crashed, I figured I’d try out the Windows 7 Beta. Pretty cool. Kinda buggy (it is beta). Rather Vista-ish, but some improvements.

For the love of god, fix the damn copy problem.

I am the HD KILLER

Another dead drive.

Seagate 500GB, failed the Seatools test utility.
Submitted RMA, need to package and send off to them for a replacement. This is a refurb I got for the previous one that failed.

Original 123GB Hitachi died, but I think it was previously dead and I just mixed them up (had 2, one “good” and one “dead”).

New System seems like a good place.

I get a 7% discount at
Edge Z5 is the cheapest, configured ok at $1195 (w/o discount).

Trying to decide what processor to get: AMD or Intel. Intel’s system (at is slightly more expensive ($150) but is the performance that much better?

Using Tom’s charts to compare:,31.html

Video card: Glenn suggested the bang/buck is the 4850,30.html

How much power does the PS need? I might get a 850 just to be safe (possibly bad power is causing my HD’s to fail).

Guild Names

I’m going to make a guild just so I can get a Guild Bank (yeah, I keep a lot of crap, but at least a couple people have been thankful for all those low level mats). Trying to think of a good name. Ideas:

Celestial Knights
Aurora Borealis
Coronal Mass
Critical Density
Dark Matter

Links with ideas:

WoW down, Development Location?

So WoW is down. Supposedly due to the mail problem. I think I might have found the real cause:

Realm-Location strange: Development

Realm-Location strange: Development

Notice the preferred location: Development.

I have WotLK installed (7-Eleven sold it early). I’m guessing Blizz didn’t anticipate that and people got onto the development servers.

Super Water Bills

I think ALL of my toilets are leaking. Our water bill is $400+/month (people in our area tell us they are paying closer to $100). I can hear them trickle a little… Then, periodically, they “refill” a little (REALLY damn annoying in the middle of the night). They all do it!! (not at the same time). What should I look at? Replace the entire internals? caulking something? Ideas?

Sep 18, 2008 21:03 from Wasted Youth

The whole “flushing” assembly isn’t that expensive, might as well replace it
all, or you can just replace the flapper/ballcock. You might lift the lid and
see what kind of setup the toilets have, the flapper style or the flush ball
type. Scroll down to ‘fixing the flush valve’ on that page, and note if yours
have any build up or anything on them, that can prevent them from sealing, and
BTW the water in the tank will be clean so don’t freak out, hah.
[Handycraftsyperson> msg #24114 (20 remaining)] Read cmd ->

Sep 18, 2008 21:26 from Joker
400+ a month still seems like a lot even with leaking toilets. I would
definitely fix the toilets or if they are really old and you don’t like one or
more of them, maybe replacing the entire toilet with something a little more

Around here, if a person waters their lawn at least once every two days, then
they have a 400+ water bill…
[Handycraftsyperson> msg #24115 (19 remaining)] Read cmd ->

Sep 18, 2008 23:52 from Collectonian
I can’t imagine the toliet alone is using that much water! How many gallons
does your bill show were used? Do you have a sprinkler on an automatic schedule
that’s running for a long time every day? My water bill went up to $100 when I
moved, because this house has a sprinkler that was set to run for 15 minutes
per station every day. I’ve decreased it to 5 minutes per station every other
day…hoping it helps.

You may also want to get someone out to check your plumbing. We had a water
leak at my duplex that was in a pipe between the walls, and had been leaking
for nearly a month before it finally “broke through” by slowly leaking out of
the hole the toliet pipe came out of. When they checked broke through the wall,
it had a split in the pipe. Go along your walls and check for dampness. Check
under the house as well, if you can see under there, and see if there is any
water standing around under there.
[Handycraftsyperson> msg #24118 (16 remaining)] Read cmd ->

Sep 19, 2008 09:00 from L Michele

If you can access your water meter, you can narrow down the possible culprits
on your own by turning off all water sources in the house, and making sure no
toilets are running. Check the water meter. If it’s moving, you’ve got a leak
between the meter and the house. If it’s not, the culprit is IN the house.

[Handycraftsyperson> msg #24120 (14 remaining)] Read cmd ->

Sep 22, 2008 10:18 from The After Party

The house was built in 2005, so the toilets are “new”.
Inside they say 6 LPF/1.6 GPF (but that’s obviously changable).
Flapper type.

Hell, the 400+ bill was from when we were on vacation for 2 weeks (out
of the month), so its not using the toilets that causes the problem,
its leaking.

Yes, we have an auto sprinkler that was also leaking that is now fixed.
Hopefully that will help. Only allowed to run it 2x a week, though
it does run from ~3am till 6 or 7 am (lots of stations).

I hear the damn water heater running at odd times as well. Going to
call the home warranty about all of this crap.

Our bills were:
6/20 – 7/23, 43,300 gallons – $265.23
7/23 – 8/21, 55,200 gallons – $356.73 (we were out of town for 2 weeks here)
(so, $400+ also included waste water [$35] and trash [$11] and drainage

We had someone certify our house didn’t have mositure (so we could get
mold insurance), so I’m pretty confident we aren’t leaking water.

I think I know where the water meter is, I’ll have to try shutting everything

[Handycraftsyperson> msg #24125 (9 remaining)] Read cmd ->

Sep 22, 2008 11:12 from Tom Brady
Water usage>Has it always been high, or did it spike?

I could certainly see a huge percentage of that utilization coming from the
sprinkler system, even without the leak. Think of it this way:
A shower is running the water at more or less full pressure for ~7 minutes at
5gpm. That’s 35 gallons/day. The average person uses 20 gallons of faucet
water (toothbrushing, drinking, hand washing, etc), and 25 gallons of toilet
water daily. That’s roughly 500 gallons/week per person. * 4 people that’s an
average of 8,000 gallons per month.

An average single sprinkler uses 200+gallons per hour. Running from 3am-7am
twice/week could be an extra 1600 gallons per week, or 7000 gallons per month.

Even adding those numbers, that’s less than 1/3 of what you’re reporting of 50K
gallons per month… Do you do a lot of laundry? Do you have a cat that likes
to sit on top of the toilet and flush it repeatedly when you’re not home?

Do you have a winter bill to compare when you’re not using the sprinkler

BTW, the numbers I use are off a worksheet on saving water at:

I’ve used to to see how we can save water as well. I hate paying for something
that falls from the sky.
[Handycraftsyperson> msg #24128 (7 remaining)] Read cmd ->

Sep 23, 2008 00:06 from The After Party
Re: Leaky Toilets/Water Bill from hell

Usage history:
May (only half a month since we bought it May 15): 4400
June: 28700
July: 43300
Aug : 55200

Hell, we had in-laws AND my parents with us in June! Now its just a 1 yr
old, my wife and I.

We don’t do tons of laundry.
HA! I saw the video if the cat flushing the toilet. We have a cat, but
he doesn’t do that. We’re awake all hours of the night with our baby not
sleeping and all, so we’d catch him. Wife works at home.

Nope, sprinkler has always been used.

None of the faucets appear to be leaking.

I’ve called the water company about this, but I just asked them to check
the meter. I will call again and ask about the previous bills (might have
to call the former owner in case they won’t give out that info).

Got the blue tablets .. testing later tonight.

Float appears to be in the correct place (on one for sure, I’ll look at
the rest).

I thought it was weird that the water coming in is pointed right into the
overflow, but looking at the pictures at
That appears to be normal.

I’ll test drain time too.

[Handycraftsyperson> msg #24137 (0 remaining)] Read cmd -> Next

Happy 6th Anniversary

You are orange, I am blue, they compliment each other.
You are oil, I am vinegar, they go together to make a great salad dressing.
You are south, I am north, without them we’d be lost.

I’m so glad I decided to work on my vacation and we met.

I can still remember when I knew I’d marry you. Maybe cliche, but we were eating at Piola, and I was looking at you, everything else stopped making noise and I just saw you. That’s when I knew we’d be married.

These have been the best 6 years (plus the time before we got married) in my life.

Te amo minha esposa.

Name that tune

This has been on the radio for awhile. This is a remix, but I’m interested in the original. 0624081922-00

I thought it was Nelly Furtado, but searching didn’t turn up a song that sounded the same.