

One day before the official start of Summer and I’m already sun burnt!

Ow, man I feel stupid. Cut the lawn and didn’t put on sun screen.


Yeah! Pistons win, Pistons win!!!!

The Lakers are very lucky they won even one game.

I don’t know why the Lakers were such big favorites over the Pistons. Before the finals started, they were 5:1 odds against the Pistons! I sure wish I was a betting man and had placed a large bet on that game.

Also seems that I can watch the games and they still win. I thought for sure if I watched they would lose. But I watched all of the last 3 games, and they won. I did watch the second game, until overtime, I thought if I didn’t watch they would win, but I was wrong.


Well, I’ve been busy programming (partly the reason I haven’t posted in awhile, other reason being we’re moving somewhat soon) some Java.

Let me say I now know why no one uses JSPs/Servlets to do web apps, compared to PHP, Perl, ASP, JSP. Tomcat is a PAIN to install! Well, the pain wasn’t the install process (since I used RPM’s) but the fact that there are 26 dependancies that I had to install first, before installing Tomcat made it take a long time.

Then, after all of that fun, I spent…way too long trying to figure out why it was “running” but not listening to port 8080…I couldn’t see that the section of server.xml was commented out! Then, after that mistake, I spent even more time trying to figure out why (without much help from the error log) my web.xml was “broken” only to realize that I can’t spell servlet or pattern.

Finally, I got my test running. Whew.

Deep Space

Some very cool stuff from NASA

Monocerotis Star

Black Eye (or Evil Eye) Galaxy:

Sombrero Galaxy:


So I haven’t posted in awhile because we’re busy with Pixelzine

If you have or want a blog, visit the web site and send us an email to

You get:
– 200MB storage
– 2.5GB transfer bandwidth
– MovableType v2.661
– 5 mailboxes
– Unlimited redirects
– Use your domain, or a subdomain from or
– MySQL database
– Webalizer Statistics
– Control Panel and FTP

All for $7 a month.

Working at Work

Ahhh! I had to go into work today!

And probably the next few months for sure.
Sure was nice working from home so much. Guess the dream is over. But I’m glad I get to go to Southfield instead of downtown Detroit.

I really miss my 19″ monitor though (at home). And I sure saved a lot of money on lunches while at home.

Linux X Windows

I’m slowly but surely learning more about Linux Red Hat.

My “test” machine is not very powerful (1.8 ghz Celeron, 128MB ram, 4MB video) so you can imagine is rather painful to do anything graphics wise. My college buddy Glenn pointed me to Blackbox which is very light weight (maybe too light weight) but its very fast X Windowing package.

Gnome seems to be the most robust, but of course that makes it the slowest. KDE is a slight improvement in speed, but loses a few features. I have FVWM but haven’t had a chance to test it yet.


Wow, these are some cool themes: ThemeXP

However, it requires that you install StyleXP which is not free. But the results are REALLY cool. I’m not sure its cool enough to buy, but the trial is very nice. This guy (?) sure has a great sense of style. heh.


I finally installed WinXP on my main system.

I had been holding off because I hate customizing everything the way I like, and installing all my programs. But my system was not doing so well as I installed a few too many programs, specifically video related ones, that started causing problems.

I’m definately enjoying WinXP. I can’t wait till I get a new PC that’s faster than this sorry old 700mhz.