
Results for category "Blog"

33 Articles

Import Comments

So I’m submitting my MovableType update to

Luciana wanted to import her comments from HaloScan (she was using this before in conjuction with so I modified the movabletype source to include an “Import Comments” link. The code is horribly ugly, and barely tested (it worked with Luciana’s comments, and that’s about all the testing I was able to do).

It would be cool to add more commenting systems, but I don’t have them to test. Feel free to let me know if you have some you’d like added.

Information link: README

Download link:


Can someone make the earth spin slower on its axis? 24 hrs in a day is not enough! I need to sleep 7-9 hrs, work 8-10 hrs, but that doesn’t leave enough time to do things I need to do (cut the grass, clean, organize, pay bills, etc, etc) and do things I want to do (play video games, write programs, learn new things).

Looks like Mars has a similar day: 24 hrs, 40 minutes. That doesn’t help. (Not likely people will be going to Mars in my lifetime).

A day on the moon is an entire month, which might be a little too long. But if the Sun was up for 15 days and down for 15 days, I could sleep when I wanted to and wake up when I needed to. (There is a better chance of going to moon in my lifetime but still seems unlikely).

I think I was born too soon! I want to live in the future!


Thanks to my lovely wife I now have this very cool blog.

I guess for my first post I will, talk about what I did today.
I worked on my job (from home), edited MovableType to (try to) support importing external (HaloScan) comments (for my wife and other people if they want to use it…this is still in process), and I got RH9 Linux up and running.

Hopefully this blog will contain deep meaningful information you will find very valuable and read my blog often (hah).